Reliable: The IRIS ExpoAccess reader is recognized as the best bar code reader in the industry. It captures all of the data on the first “read” more than any other lead retrieval device.
The bar code reader is mobile and the data processor is the java enabled color Blackberry mobile phone platform. Everything is mobile and data capture is quick.
If an exhibitor wishes to increase the value of the lead, a custom qualify option is available which allows personalization of the lead through codes or comments either at the time of collection or after the event. Qualified leads are better leads.
Once scanned, detailed contact information is simultaneously stored in a password-protected personal website data vault. Leads are never lost or forgotten and they can be accessible on the website for up to 90 days after the event.
The IRIS ExpoAccess is all set to go when the exhibitor picks it up on-site. There is very little training and no electricity is needed. After that it’s point and shoot.
After collection, leads are immediately available for follow-up by anyone the user authorizes. All that is needed is an internet connection, the user’s ID and the password.
After the Exhibitor scans a badge the system takes care of the data. No CD, memory stick or paper are required because the leads are immediately uploaded to the exhibitors website data vault.
The leads from the website data vault can be selected for targeted follow-up or can be easily transferred to custom company spreadsheets or CRM software. Convenience of use makes for more effective lead management and inreased Return On Investment.
Using IRIS ExpoAccess, exhibitors do not need to wait in line to download or retrieve data at the end of the event. All the lead data has already been delivered to the secure exhibitor website automatically.
The IRIS ExpoAccess no paper is needed. There is no waste.